Our technicians are fully qualified to carry out maintenance checks on your vehicle.
As well as keeping your service history up to date, the service is designed to keep your car running smoothly and highlight any items before they become problems.
Technicians at VGS understand that nowadays a car is an extension of ones front room and the upmost care and respect must be given.
What is in a service
A service is a multi point safety check carried out by a fully trained professional technician looking at hundreds of items on a vehicle to make sure those parts are working without issue.
Finding and addressing problems early can prevent major problems saving money and potential harm in the future.
As well as the safety check, it will be necessary to change the oil and oil filter.
The vehicles age and milage will determine what service (Minor/Major) is due on your vehicle and some additional filtration parts may be suggested.
Service prices
Minor from £160
Major from £250
prices include engines up to 2.0ltr and exclude all Performance models including but not limited to GTI,GTX and R models or manufacturer equivalent models.
Do I need a service?
It is recommended your car has a service once a year or every 10,000 miles whichever comes soonest.
Even if your car has not been driven much that year, your vehicle is still subject to things like temperature difference and time.
Also keeping your vehicles service history up to date will dramatically effect the re-sale value as this is often the first question asked when buying a car.
Timely servicing means your car will be running as efficiently and safely as possible, and regular scheduled servicing will be saving you money in the long run.